This blog discusses how to use Burp Suite effectively, including tips and tricks.
Writeup about the SSRF vulnerability that I found on the Houzz domain.
A writeup about the CSRF vulnerability that was present at and it’s exploitation.
This writeup is all about how I could able to perform IDOR vulnerability on the United Nations portal.
This writeup is about how I was able to escalate thr XSS vulnerability to read the internal files.
This is a writeup about the XSS vulnerability which I found on their portal.
This blog is all about how I made to $750 PayPal Bug Bounty with simple bug as Open Redirect Vulnerability.
This writeup is about how I made into the BMW Security Experts Acknowledgment page by finding Account verification bypass flaw.
This blog is about the write up on Microsoft on how I was able to perform Stored XSS Vulnerability on one of the subdomains of Microsoft.
This write up is about Open Redirect bypass vulnerability on